Indigenous Meet the Buyer Event

Yarpa NSW Indigenous Business & Employment Hub

Ngurra lead the implementation of the first Yarpa Indigenous Meet the Buyer event in October 2019 as part of Indigenous Business Month.

Forty Indigenous businesses and fifteen corporate and government organisations gathered to network and build long lasting professional relationships. Indigenous businesses who attended were strategically matched with large organisations such as Transport NSW, Fulton Hogan, Lendlease and Sydney Zoo to showcase their products and services.

Each business was given 15 minutes with each buyer to promote their services and capabilities with the aim of securing a long-term relationship that would in turn lead to future opportunities.

The event feedback was extremely positive with more than 25% of businesses confirming that they had entered or were early stage negotiations with buyers for various pieces of work in excess of $6 million dollars.

Ngurra was responsible for the event design and implementation, including the oversight of media activity on day which resulted in a short NITV segment.

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

Yarpa Grow Program


Ngalawi Community Kitchen Garden