Ngalawi Community Kitchen Garden

Aboriginal Housing Office

The Ngalawi Community Kitchen Garden is a project under the Aboriginal Housing Office Client Experience Initiative (CEI). The Community Kitchen Garden aims to build stronger relationships amongst Ngalawi tenants and improve their self esteem and social/cultural interactions through activities based around the garden.

Ngurra Advisory was engaged by the Aboriginal Housing Office to assist Nagalwi in the establishment of the community kitchen garden and to create and implement a culturally appropriate personal wellbeing index tool enabling Ngalawi to track the wellbeing and improvement of life of the tenants utilising the garden.

The project is an Aboriginal led co-design process underpinned by the following principles:

  • Self-determination

  • Participation in decision making

  • Aboriginal knowledge and experience

  • Empowering Aboriginal people

  • Respectful partnerships

Ngurra is currently working closely with the organisation to develop a Performance Monitoring Framework that will allow the future tracking and monitoring of outcomes associated with the garden project.

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.

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