Indigenous Business Procurement Workshops

City of Parramatta

The objective of the Indigenous Procurement workshop series was to develop a strategic approach to increasing the engagement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses across the Parramatta LGA.

Evidence has demonstrated that one of the biggest challenges faced by non-Aboriginal businesses and organisations, is a lack of understanding around how they can effectively engage and imbed Aboriginal businesses into their supply chains.

In order to position City of Parramatta as a leader in local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander business engagement, Ngurra Advisory undertook the following scope of work:

  • A desktop review of effective Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategies

  • Development of a City of Parramatta Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategy;

  • Development of a Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Businesses Engagement Toolkit

  • Facilitation of 2x Indigenous Business Procurement Workshops

Ngurra ensured that cultural practices were applied throughout each facet of the project, in a bid to embed practices as business as usual processes and procedures in future City of Parramatta procurement opportunities. This resulted in over 30 Aboriginal businesses partaking in the information series.

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

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