Indigenous Business Procurement Workshops
City of Parramatta
The objective of the Indigenous Procurement workshop series was to develop a strategic approach to increasing the engagement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses across the Parramatta LGA.
Evidence has demonstrated that one of the biggest challenges faced by non-Aboriginal businesses and organisations, is a lack of understanding around how they can effectively engage and imbed Aboriginal businesses into their supply chains.
In order to position City of Parramatta as a leader in local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander business engagement, Ngurra Advisory undertook the following scope of work:
A desktop review of effective Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategies
Development of a City of Parramatta Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategy;
Development of a Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Businesses Engagement Toolkit
Facilitation of 2x Indigenous Business Procurement Workshops
Ngurra ensured that cultural practices were applied throughout each facet of the project, in a bid to embed practices as business as usual processes and procedures in future City of Parramatta procurement opportunities. This resulted in over 30 Aboriginal businesses partaking in the information series.