SRAP River Zone Indigenous Business & Community Opportunity Mapping

Fulton Hogan

Fulton Hogan was awarded as the preferred tenderer on the Sydney Roads Asset Performance (SRAP) Project for the River Zone region. Ambitious targets were set by Fulton Hogan around the engagement of Aboriginal businesses and employees through their Aboriginal Participation Plan to ensure genuine and meaningful engagement with the local community and to also meet Aboriginal Procurement Policy (APP) targets.

Ngurra Advisory was engaged by Fulton Hogan to undertake an opportunity mapping exercise of the local Aboriginal community and businesses that fall within the River Zone boundaries, in a bid to guide their development of programs that met the needs of Aboriginal people across the region.

Ngurra developed a detailed report focused on statistical data that presented a clear picture of the needs and aspirations of Aboriginal people within this area across the areas of business and employment.

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

The Kids Early Years (KEYS) Network


Indigenous Business Procurement Workshops